Thursday, May 21, 2009

Google Reader Shared Items on Twitter

As I've mentioned before, Google Reader is a very good RSS Feed Aggregator. Not only has a nice and straightforward interface you can use it from any device with an internet connection with the big advantage of always knowing which news you've read.

One of the nice features of Google Reader is the ability of sharing news. Near each news there is a button saying "Share" and when you do that a page like this is created:

If you give this link to someone he or she will be able to follow your shared news. Now this page itself has a RSS Feed which means you can use it, through to share each shared news as a tweet. The process is similar to what I've did here.

What's the advantage of this? You no longer have to copy & paste links to articles, just hit "Share with note" on Google Reader, type what you want and some minutes later that message and link will appear on twitter.

The end result:


Michael said...

make the computer work for you, and not the other way round!! Seamless integration are the words of today...

Warchild said...

Yeap! Right on;)