Friday, October 31, 2008

Moved in

On Monday I moved in to my new place. What a gruesome day... on the previous day I had arrived home from Portugal at 2am. After sleeping 4 hours I went to work so I could get out at 3pm. Because I spent the weekend at Portugal I didn't package anything nor did the dishes, so had to do it on that day. On my first and second trips I took my large trolley, my cabin trolley and my camping backpack. Caught the bus in front of my (old) flat, and then had to walk around 15min.. I left for my 3rd trip around midnight, feeling asleep and tired. This time I took my camping backpack, my ironing board and lot of bags. After I left the bus I experienced the generosity of a stranger. A nice Nigerian lady insisted in offering me a ride on her car to my new flat and saved me from walking with all that weight:)

Thank you Clara.

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